"La Duse watching Ibsen's window" (Por Gustavo Thomas, 2011) |
Ella estaba ahí cuando él moría,
pero no pudo verle,
ni besarle,
ni darle las gracias.
Ella estaba ahí, solo esperando su aparición,
pero él nunca salió.
Ella estuvo ahí, mirando y esperando,
así lo oí...
Eleonora Duse visitaba Noruega por primera vez, con la esperanza de encontrar al dramaturgo que le había dado sus más grandes triunfos. A su arribo mandó una carta y flores a Ibsen pidiéndole una cita para agradecerle por todo ello. Suzannah (la esposa de Ibsen) telefoneó diciendo que él estaba muy enfermo y que no podía recibir a nadie. Lugné Poe, quien estaba con ella en esos momento, cuenta como La Duse se paró enfrente de la ventana del palacete de Ibsen, entre el frío y la nieve, al medio día, esperando a que el escritor se asomara como regularmente lo había hecho durante los últimos años, pero no lo hizo. Eleonora Duse nunca pudo encontrarse con Ibsen en persona. (1)
Mi pintura se basa en una fotografía original de la producción de la obra de Ibsen La dama del mar en la que Eleonora Duse era el personaje principal.
(1) La anécdota en inglés, en el original: "Duse was visiting Norway for the first time, largely in the hope of meeting the dramatist who had provided her with her greatest triumphs. On her arrival she sent a letter and flowers to Ibsen asking if she might call merely to say "¨Thank you". Suzannah, however, telephoned that Ibsen was too ill to receive anyone. Lugné-Poe, who was with Duse at the time, tell what followed
I remember very well that morning when she had just received this sad message. I went in to her and found her swathed in the long white paladrane which she loved to wear. She sat fearful, annihilated, hollow-cheeked, her face tired and lined as though life was abandoning her. She asked me: "What shall I do? Please, what shall I do?"... What could I do for her? I had hoped so much, for her sake... Next morning, around noon Duse and i found ourselves outside Henrik Ibsen's house. She had bought Norwegian boots, for she wished to go there on foot. We walked round the left of the palace, and at the stroke of twelve we stood beneath the corner window, where, every day at this time, people could see Dr. Ibsen in person, sometimes with a secretary or someone at his side. Duse stood there waiting, in the cold and snow. Who, even thirty years later, would not be shaken by the memory of having been present at that sad and silent meeting? Eleonora Duse on the pavement, looking for the old poet's silhouette behind the big window."
Ibsen's Biography. By Michael Meyer. (En inglés en el original)
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